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In this week’s Mac Geek Gab, Adam Christianson and Dave Hamilton dive into a plethora of practical tips and deep dives, tailored just for you. Discover quick tips like pressing Command-back in Safari to open the previous page in a new tab or using Fn-Return to approximate the Enter key, enhancing your navigation skills seamlessly. They didn’t miss discussing event highlights such as KansasFest and MacStock VIII, bringing communities together in celebration of technology. For those looking to streamline their work with tools, they covered using Freeform with Zoom to save time and the multifunctional Dash Text Editor for your coding needs.

The duo didn’t stop there; they shared insights on using focus modes to boost productivity and various shortcuts for creating PDFs across your devices. Ever thought about removing those pesky power lines from your photos effortlessly? They’ve got solutions!

And if your digital life feels a bit cluttered, they provided solutions for syncing issues across devices with apps like BusyCal and CardHop. Remember, in the digital world, it’s crucial to stay efficient and prepared. So, don’t get caught unawares—tune in to Mac Geek Gab and elevate your tech game.

Categories: Episode

Dave Hamilton

Dave Hamilton is a podcaster, a publisher, and a nerd who has spent the past three decades of his career educating thousands of computer users. In addition to Mac Geek Gab podcast (now in its 19th year!), Dave is co-host of Business Brain and Gig Gab, two other shows to check out! Dave is also the co-founder and CEO of BackBeat Media, a boutique network of podcasts and websites that represents fiercely-independent publishers, of which Dave considers himself one. He has been involved in online publishing since 1998, when he co-founded The Mac Observer, a popular Apple news site which was acquired in 2021. Technology isn't the only thing Dave's a nerd about: he's also a drummer, playing in Bitter Pill, Fling, and various other projects in and around the New Hampshire seacoast where he and his wife, Lisa, live and raised their two children. Dave's reachable for a limited amount of paid consulting at DaveTheNerd.com and you can find to him on Mastodon, Bluesky, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, too!


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