MGG 631: The Odd Couple Episode

We asked, you shared your top Mac apps, we share them back! Some great additions in the list here, too. Some mutual favorites and some surprises. Listen to hear if yours made the list! Then it's on to discussion about trackpad scrolling, iOS Mail swiping, ripping movies (with subtitles!) and more. Download, listen and… enjoy!Note: Shownotes are complete! Stuff mentioned: Skype (1:51) EasyFind Firefox Google Chrome Slack TextWrangler iTerm2 VMware Fusion for Mac Airmail Read more…

MGG 630: Label Your Cables!

This episode is all about geeks helping other geeks. First it's tips from you helping us and other listeners, including a way to bypass macOS Sierra's network-mounting password dialog! Then we help you with importing <em>just</em> your Health data, musicians using an iPad at gigs, migrating data from one iPhone to another with an older Mac, managing different photo clouds and much more. Join us by downloading and enjoy!Note: Shownotes are complete! Stuff mentioned: macOS Sierra: Read more…

MGG 629: Not All USB-C Is Created Equal

Considering migrating to a new Mac? How about thinking of a new Cable Modem? What about managing Wi-Fi speeds with lots of Apple devices which share their Wi-Fi networks via iCloud? Your fellow MGG listeners had those questions until they asked here and your two favorite geeks answered! Listen to John and Dave discuss all of this and more, including sharing some tips from you, too!Note: Show notes are complete! Stuff mentioned: macOS Sierra (1:21) Read more…

MGG 628: Cool Stuff Found and The DNS Achilles Heel

Cool Stuff Found includes how to keep Safari from opening iTunes automatically, a new USB circuit tester, bluetooth stereo speaker, a better way to backup your iPhone and more. Then it's on to your questions, including a segment on managing your iPhone from the new Console app in macOS Sierra. Plus, your two favorite geeks talk through this week's DNS outage and how they got around it. Download today and enjoy!Note: Shownotes are complete! Stuff Read more…

MGG 627: It’s a Kludge!

Did you know that Safari can auto-close a newly-launched tab when you're finished reading it? That's just one of the things you'll learn in today's MGG. Dropbox's accessibility hacks, editing EXIF on iOS, the security of hidden Wi-Fi networks, enabling Universal Clipboard, and managing macOS Sierra's multiple monitors are more. Plus, have you ever wanted to know the origins of the word, 'kludge"? Download today and listen!Note: Shownotes are complete! Stuff mentioned: Safari for Mac: Read more…

MGG 626: Lightning Struck my Switches

Quick Tips start this episode, including topics like macOS Sierra's picture-in-picture videos, auto-logout, Sierra upgrade hints, macerror, cleaning up your Keychain, printing to PDF on <em>any</em> iOS 10 device, Apple Watch battery life and more. Then it's on to questions about macOS Sierra's network login changes, running a mixed macOS and OS X household and, finally, a discussion about lightning strikes and how to recover. Enjoy!Note: Shownotes are complete! Stuff mentioned: macOS Sierra (1:42) macerror Read more…

MGG 625: The Spotlight Clone Wars

Faster chargers, ODB2 dongles, Mac vs. Windows File Paths, MacBook Pro specs, Dropbox, macOS Sierra and the Spotlight Clone Wars are all topics discussed in today's Mac Geek Gab. In fact, they're not just topics, they're <em>your</em> questions answered! Plus, Dave and John go on a good photoanalysisd rant for good measure!Note: Shownotes are complete! Stuff mentioned: Using iPad power adapters with your iPhone, iPad, and iPod (2:40) Apple Computers and Displays: Powering peripherals through USB Read more…

MGG 624: Sierra, APFS, Wi-Fi and Personal Servers

Today it's all about answering your questions! Ok, maybe <em>one</em> tip, but it's high time your questions got answered, and your two favorite geeks are just the right guys to do it! First it's two macOS Sierra questions, then it's onto APFS and the future of backups, including a query about choosing an external backup drive. This plus perhaps the aforementioned tip might just round out the show… or there might be more about Photos and Read more…

MGG 623: macOS Sierra Tips and Tricks and More!

macOS Sierra is almost upon us, and there are already some great tips and tricks to share. Some follow-up from our recent deep dive into Backups is included, too, as well as lengthy discussion about Amazon's Alexa vs. HomeKit!Chapters: 00:01:29 iPhone 7 00:07:00 Migrating to a new iPhone 00:08:44 iPhone 7 Home Button 00:09:31 Touch ID trick works on iPhone 7 00:10:25 Taking RAW/DNG Pictures on iPhone 7 00:12:17 Amazon Alexa is Winning big over Read more…

MGG 622 – Cool Stuff Found & Media Management Holy Grail

Lots of great Cool Stuff Found has come in lately, and today we share it with you. Then it's time to talk the holy grail of media library management. It promises to be a wild show, folks. Download and enjoy!Note: Shownotes are complete! Stuff mentioned: Genius Pack (1:44) AutoPagerize (3:59) How to print Mail messages to PDF with 3D Touch on iPhone (5:24) CleverFiles Disk Drill (6:15) Eraserhead (8:04) Synology DX213 Expansion Unit (8:33) Which Synology Read more…